Top 10 Coolest Golf Carts

July 7, 2015 Posted by Matt

Looking to buy a new golf cart?  A fancy golf cart used to mean a Gotham Golf Cartpersonalized paint job, installing a high end stereo system or air conditioning.  Not anymore!  Today’s golf carts can be as much as six figures.  Bubba Watson has a hovercraft and Floyd Mayweather bought a Bentley for his son.  I’m going with the Gotham cart.  The Ferrari is a close second. Today’s carts are unabashed showpieces that have attracted A-list owners Ferrari Golf Cartlike Will Smith and Adam Sandler. Click HERE to see the top 10 coolest golf carts.  Okay so it’s really the top 11 carts!  Which one of these golf carts would be for you?