Saving to Buy a Home?

July 9, 2016 Posted by Matt

Saving to buy a home? What would you be willing to sacrifice to buy something sooner? Here’s what others have said.


Home Buyer Highlights:

  • 95% of first-time homebuyers are willing to sacrifice to make homeownership a reality.
  • The top thing that buyers sacrifice are new clothes at 54%.
  • Even repeat or experienced buyers say they sacrificed taking a vacation or buying a new car to buy their last home.

Bottom Line:

You may have already sacrificed enough to purchase a new home.  Often times home buyers think they need 20 percent to put down on a home to make a purchase.  The good news is there are several loan options available that will allow you to purchase a home with no money down or as little as 3 percent down.

When you are ready to buy a home in southwest Florida, let me be your guide.

About Matt Klinowski





