Lee County Permits

July 2, 2016 Posted by Matt

Lee County Permits

Lee County PermitsThe number of Lee County Permits issued last month saw a significant increase according to the Lee County Department of Community Development.  The county issued 22 commercial permits worth $22.3 million which was a $1.9 million increase over a year ago and a $2.1 million increase over May.

Permits were also up for single-family homes.  There were a total of 116 permits pulled in June worth a total of $23.7 million which represents a 19 percent increase over May.  It’s almost identical to the number of permits pulled a year ago which was 117.

Additionally, 93 multifamily permits worth $14.5 million were permitted during June.  This is a substantial increase over May in which there were only 26 permits pulled.

Bottom Line:

The increase in permits which means there will be more new construction single family homes and multifamily homes being built in Lee County.  Ultimately this will help increase supply of inventory which is good news for buyers.

Are you considering buying property in Lee County?  Or perhaps Naples?  Not sure which community is right for you and your family? Let me be your guide!

About Matt Klinowski


