Golf Tip – Uphill Putts

December 23, 2015 Posted by Matt

uphill puttsWhy do you come up short on uphill putts?  Studies of golfers of all skill levels have shown that almost 90 percent of uphill putts come up short of the hole.  Uphill putts will be slower than you think.  Often the grain of the grass flows towards you which slows down your putt even more than you would originally expect.  When you are putting uphill, try to picture the hole about one foot behind the actual hole.  Aim for the imaginary hole and judge your distance to that hole as your guide. Since you’ll need to hit the putt harder to get it to the hole, it will also mean you’re going to hit through a portion of the break.  Play for less break, and plan to hit it past the the hole if you miss.  You will make more of these uphill putts with this method.