Golf Tip – Read the Sand

November 8, 2015 Posted by Matt

read the sandHow do you read the sand in a bunker?  When you enter a sand-trap and set your feet into the sand, you can get an idea of how firm or how soft the sand is.  If the sand is firm, you can hit closer to the ball and expect it to come out with a lot of spin.  If the sand is soft and fluffy, you will need to take a lot of sand and get the ball on the green, expecting it to roll a good way.  Always open your face a bit to put some bounce on your wedge no matter what the texture of the sand in the bunker.  If possible, always take the opportunity to hit a few shots from a practice bunker at the course to get a feeling of how the ball will react.  This should help you set your bunker play for the day.