Golf Tip – Putting Pressure

February 11, 2016 Posted by Matt

putting under pressurePutting under pressure can be stressful.  There is a reason they say “drive for show or putt for dough”!  When you are playing in a tournament or important match, it is normal to feel anxiety.  The downside is anxiety may cause you to hit your putts to the right.  When you are nervous, your muscles tense, and you tend to not release the putter during the stroke.  The blade of the putter comes into the ball wide open and you push the ball to the right of the hole.  You may have a tendency to grip the putter too tight when you are putting under pressure.  Concentrate on holding the putter with a light grip.  Make a few practice strokes to feel the toe of the putter open then close.  Breathe, relax your muscles, and trust your stroke.