Golf Tip – Get out of Trouble!

December 21, 2015 Posted by Matt

get out of troubleYour goal should be to get out of trouble as fast as possible when you find yourself in a tough spot on the golf course.  If you hit a tee shot into the trees, your first thought should be to look for the easiest way to get the ball back on the fairway.  As much as we would like to think we could hit a Bubba Watson hook shot from deep in the woods that curves around and lands perfectly on the green our chances of actually doing so are almost zero.  At this point you should be playing for a bogey.  The alternative is trying to hit a “hero” shot through a narrow opening in the woods that ultimately hits a tree and puts you in a worse situation.  Then you’re looking at double or triple bogey.  Get your ball back on the fairway as fast as possible, even if that means you have to hit the ball slightly backwards and then try to salvage a par but be happy with a boggy.  Play smart and get out of trouble quickly and you will minimize the number of blow up holes you have and start to consistently shoot lower scores.