Golf Tip – Cut your Irons

October 24, 2015 Posted by Matt

If you are a right handed golfer, cut your irons when you need to come into a hole from the left to right.  Hitting a cut is one of the best shots to get to the pin and eliminate such trouble as bunkers or water in front of the green, or to get to a pin on the right side of the green.  To hit this shot, open your stance and feel as if you are taking the club a bit outside of your normal line in your takeaway.  Aim left and hold your follow-through about shoulder high without rolling our forearms over.  The ball will fly high and fade nicely toward your target.  Take one more club than you would normally need, as a fade will not go as far as a normal shot.  Have your pro help you learn this shot and you will become a better player.

cut your irons