Golf Tip – Bunker Shots

December 20, 2015 Posted by Matt

bunker shotsBefore you hit your bunker shots, read the sand.  If your ball lands in a sand trap, you will need to pay attention to what kind of sand is in the bunker throughout the golf course.  As you enter the bunker and take your stance, you can get a good idea of the texture of the sand.  If the sand is thick, heavy or firm you will be able to take a more aggressive swing since your club head will glide under the ball and lift the golf ball out with a fair amount of spin.  If the sand is soft and fluffy, your best bet is to chunk the ball out of the bunker by hitting down hard behind the ball and pushing it out with the sand.  The ball will land on the green and run a good deal.  If you try a normal bunker shot in fluffy sand, you will risk sticking the club deep into the sand and leaving the ball in the bunker.  If you read the sand before you hit your bunker shots and adapt to the conditions you will improve your sand game and reduce your scores.