Golf Tip – Between Clubs

October 19, 2015 Posted by Matt

between clubsWhat if you are between clubs?  Often, you will have a shot where you cannot decide if you should hit a longer or shorter club.  If there is not trouble over the green, it is almost always a better idea to choose the longer club.  If you chose a seven iron, for example, rather than a six iron, you will tend to swing harder and become out of balance as you try to get more distance.  Take the longer club and swing smoothly, concentrating on solid contact.    As a result, you will hit more greens.

When you go to the driving range, try swinging easy with the longer club.  Also choke down on the club slightly which will cut the distance a little bit.  For example, if you hit your pitching wedge 120 yards and you hit your 9-iron 130 yards, if you choke down slightly on your 9-iron you should hit the ball 125 yards….which will provide a perfect solution for your shot that is between clubs.