Cash Sales in Naples Dominates the Market

December 10, 2015 Posted by Matt

sales in naplesRealtyTrac’s October 2015 Home Sales Report, shows cash sales in Naples dominated the local real estate market.  Naples was one of the 230 metro areas analyzed by RealtyTrac with the highest share of cash sales with 60.1 percent of all real estate transactions being paid for in 100 percent cash.

Nationwide, all-cash sales accounted for 28.9 percent of all sales during the month of October which was a slight increase from the previous month when it was 28.4 percent.

So how did we stack up against the rest of the country? Only Homosassa Springs, Florida had a higher percentage of cash sales at 61.4 percent.  Other Florida cities in the top 10 were Miami, Florida (53.7 percent) and The Villages, Florida (52.2 percent).

View full report

For more information about real estate sales in Naples including sales activity in a specific community, contact Matt Klinowski.

About Matt Klinowski


Naples Golf GuyMatt Klinowski has lived in Naples for more than 15 years.  He is an expert on the local real estate market and specializes in real estate within golf communities.  Matt enjoys the laid back lifestyle in Naples with his wife (More about Matt…).
Contact Matt: or 239-370-0892

Golf Tip – Bump it from the Collar

December 9, 2015 Posted by Matt

Collar of the greenIf your ball comes to rest against the collar of the green between the rough and the fringe of the green, do not reach for your putter.  A putter will get caught up in the rough and the ball will just dribble a few feet.  A better way to play this shot is to use one of your hybrid clubs and make a short chipping motion to bump the ball onto the fringe and get it rolling to the hole.  The hybrid club will glide through the grass behind the ball and not get stuck.  Practice this shot before you try it on the course.  It is a great shot to have in your bag.


Practice makes perfect, so now that you have a shot to practice the next step is to find a golf club with great practice facilities.  If you are considering purchasing a home in Naples or Bonita Springs and you are interested in a golf community, let me be your guide.

About Matt Klinowski …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

Naples Golf GuyMatt Klinowski has lived in Naples for more than 15 years.  He is an expert on the local real estate market and specializes in real estate within golf communities.  Matt enjoys the laid back lifestyle in Naples with his wife (More about Matt…).
Contact Matt: or 239-370-0892

Two Reasons to Sell Now

December 9, 2015 Posted by Matt

naples flWe all realize that the best time to sell anything is when demand is high and the supply of that item is limited. The last two major reports issued by the National Association of Realtors (NAR) revealed information that suggests that now is a great time to sell your house. Let’s look at the data covered by the latest Pending Home Sales Report and Existing Home Sales Report.


The report announced that pending home sales (homes going into contract) are up 3.9% over last year, and have increased year-over-year now for 14 consecutive months. Lawrence Yun, NAR’s Chief Economist, expects demand to remain stable through the final two months of the year, and “forecasts existing-home sales to finish 2015 at a pace of 5.30 million – the highest since 2006.”  Takeaway: Demand for housing will continue throughout the end of 2015 and into 2016. The seasonal slowdown often felt in the winter months hasn’t started and shows little signs of being near.


The most important data point revealed in the report was not sales but instead the inventory of homes on the market (supply). The report explained:

  • Total housing inventory decreased 2.3% to 2.14 million homes available for sale
  • That represents a 4.8-month supply at the current sales pace
  • Unsold inventory is 4.5% lower than a year ago

There were two more interesting comments made by Yun in the report:

  1. “New and existing-home supply has struggled to improve, leading to few choices for buyers and no easement of the ongoing affordability concerns still prevalent in some markets.”

In real estate, there is a guideline that often applies. When there is less than 6 months inventory available, we are in a sellers’ market and we will see appreciation. Between 6-7 months is a neutral market where prices will increase at the rate of inflation. More than 7 months inventory means we are in a buyers’ market and should expect depreciation in home values. As Yun notes, we are currently in a sellers’ market (prices still increasing).

  1. “Unless sizeable supply gains occur for new and existing homes, prices and rents will continue to exceed wages into next year and hamstring a large pool of potential buyers trying to buy a home.” As rents and prices increase, potential buyers will not able to save as much for a down payment and many may become priced out of the market.

Takeaway: Inventory of homes for sale is still well below the 6 months needed for a normal market. Prices will continue to rise if a ‘sizeable’ supply does not enter the market. Take advantage of the ready willing and able buyers that are still out looking for your house.

Bottom Line

If you are going to sell your home in Naples, now may be the time.  Contact Matt for a full market analysis of your home.

About Matt Klinowski ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

Naples Golf GuyMatt Klinowski has lived in Naples for more than 15 years.  He is an expert on the local real estate market and specializes in real estate within golf communities.  Matt enjoys the laid back lifestyle in Naples with his wife (More about Matt…).
Contact Matt: or 239-370-0892

Golf Tip – Putt out of a Bunker

December 8, 2015 Posted by Matt

putt out of a bunkerIf the conditions are in your favor, you may be able to putt out of a bunker.  If there is no lip on the bunker and the sand meets the grass on a level plane, then a putt would travel nicely.  If there is a lip on the bunker do not attempt the shot.

The lie needs to be decent (not buried).  Make sure the sand is firm or wet.  Do not putt the ball if the sand is soft or fluffy, as it will not roll through this type of texture.

Address the ball as you normally would with a putter on the green.  Your weight should be centered over both feet and with your regular putting grip.  Play the ball back in your stance, which will help prevent you from touching the sand through impact.  Unlike a typical bunker shot, the key is to catch all ball and no sand.  Think about striking the upper half of the golf ball with the putterface.

The ball might pop up slightly when it hits the grass which will slow down the ball a bit.  Since you’ll also be striking the putt slightly off-center, don’t be afraid to hit this shot harder than normal.

With a little practice, you will find that this shot is easier to hit and you’ll be more accurate than hitting a full sandwedge.

Be forewarned, if you try this shot without a good lie, firm sand and no lip on the bunker, be ready to hit a second shot from the spot because it’s going to take you two shots to hit it out!

Golf Tip – Putting Drills

December 7, 2015 Posted by Matt

Looking for some good putting drills? Try this one before your round.  Go to the practice putting green to learn the speed of the greens that you will be playing.  Rather than just hitting balls toward different holes, try this drill to get a great feel for distance for the day.  Find a flat area of the green and space out tees in a straight line at five-foot intervals all the way to twenty-five feet.  Beginning from three feet away, stroke your putt so that it finishes as close as possible to the first tee.  Remove the ball, then putt to the six-foot tee.  Complete this drill until you can hit your distances close to all the tees.  This will help you to gain a great feel for your putts on the course.

putting drills



Where are Rentals Headed?

December 6, 2015 Posted by Matt

RentalsNot sure if you should continue to rent or buy a home?  What do the leading experts in the industry say about where rentals are headed?

Below are quotes from experts as well as industry reports & articles that cover the residential rental market in the U.S.

The experts…

Zillow Chief Economist Svenja Gudell:

“Make no mistake: Despite this recent slowdown in rental appreciation, the rental affordability crisis we’ve been enduring for the past few years shows no signs of easing, especially as income growth remains weak. It will take a lot more supply, and a lot more renters-turned-homeowners, to fully reverse this.”

Lawrence Yun, Chief Economist of the National Association of Realtors

“Rents and home prices are expected to exceed income growth into next year because of the insufficient creation of new home construction and the detrimental impact its inadequacy continues to have on housing costs in several markets.”

David Brickman, Executive Vice President of Freddie Mac Multifamily

“We know rents are rising faster than incomes, and now we have data to show that many renters don’t have enough to pay all their debts each month, which is forcing them to make tradeoffs, such as cutting spending on other items.”

The reports and articles…

Zillow’s 2016 Housing Market Predictions

“Rising rents won’t let up in 2016, and will continue to set new records. The next year will bring the least affordable median rents ever.”

2015 Rental Market Report

“68% of property managers predict that rental rates will continue to rise in the next year by an average of 8%”


“The primary reasons cited for the latest rises were increasing demand and low inventory. Vacancy rates for rental housing nationally dropped to a 20-year low of 6.8 percent in the second quarter…Rents and occupancies are currently hovering at historic highs as supply isn’t keeping up with demand.”

Bottom Line

If you are one of the many renting seasonally or annually and you are debating a home purchase, meet with a real estate professional in your area who can show you your options, before your rental rates go up!

About Matt Klinowski ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

Naples Golf GuyMatt Klinowski has lived in Naples for more than 15 years.  He is an expert on the local real estate market and specializes in real estate within golf communities.  Matt enjoys the laid back lifestyle in Naples with his wife (More about Matt…).
Contact Matt: or 239-370-0892

Best Events of the Year

December 6, 2015 Posted by Matt

This week represents the best events of the year in Naples FL!  Jazz concerts, Parades, Holiday Celebrations, Art Fairs and Farmers market in one week.  There is something to do almost every single night over the next seven days.

Naples EventsJazz Concert Series – 6th
2:00 PM – 4:00 PM
Cambier Park
More Info call (239) 263-9521

Chanukah Celebration – 7th
5:45 PM
More Info call (239) 254-1080

Christmas Parade – 8th
6:00 PM – 8:00 PM
Fifth Avenue South
More Info call (239) 213-7120

Chabad Naples Chanukah Annual Festival – 9th
5:00 PM – 7:00 PM
Cambier Park
More Info call (239) 262-4474

Thursdays on Third – 10th
5:00 PM – 8:00 PM
Third Street South
More Info call (239) 649-6707

Third Street South Farmers Market – 12th
7:30 AM – 11:30 AM
Behind Tommy Bahamas
More Info call (239) 649-6707

Fine Arts Craft Festival – 12th
10:00 AM – 4:00 PM
Cambier Park
More Info call (239) 353-3092

Holiday on the Bay – 12th
5:00 PM – 8:00 PM
Venetian Village
More Info call (239) 961-2975

Christmas Around the World – 12th
5:00 PM – 10:00 PM
Immokalee Sports Complex
More Info call (239) 657-1951

Naples Bay Boat Parade – 12th
6:30 PM – 8:30 PM
Naples Bay
More Info call (239) 682-0900

Gulf Coast Big Band – 13th
2:00 PM – 4:00 PM
Cambier Park
More Info call (239) 594-5141


View all Naples events in December

About Matt Klinowski ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

Naples Golf GuyMatt Klinowski has lived in Naples for more than 15 years.  He is an expert on the local real estate market and specializes in real estate within golf communities.  Matt enjoys the laid back lifestyle in Naples with his wife (More about Matt…).
Contact Matt: or 239-370-0892

Golf Tip – Map the Greens

December 6, 2015 Posted by Matt

map the greens

Touring professionals will map the greens of the course they will play in an upcoming tournament.  Use a small book that you can carry in your pocket.  On a slow day at your home course or very early in the morning, go from hole to hole and make a map for each green.  Determine where the four most likely hole locations will be and hit putts or roll a ball toward the locations.  On your map, draw little lines and arrows to show how the ball will break.  Often, there are slopes and breaks that you cannot see, and the map will help you remember which way your putt will move.  Take a quick look at your book as you approach the green to remind yourself of the slope.

Golf Tip – Long Drives

December 5, 2015 Posted by Matt

Long DrivesFor powerful and long drives, think soft.  When golfers want to really smack a long drive, most will grip the club tightly and then swing as hard as possible on the downswing.  The opposite approach is actually the way power is created.  Take a deep breath and relax your body and mind.  Set up to the ball and keep your grip light on the handle.  Your forearm muscles should be soft and not tense.  Relax your shoulders and swing back, making a smooth takeaway that is not rushed in any way.  Keeping your hands and arms soft, let your shoulders turn around your spine, so that you whip your arms and hands through impact.  You will create a great deal of centrifugal force from letting the club swing freely and fast, as a result of using your big muscles and ultimately hitting long drives!

The Difference Interest Rates Make

December 4, 2015 Posted by Matt

Do you know the difference interest rates make on mortgage payments?  The good news is interest rates are significantly lower today than they were in the mid 80’s when they were double digits.  However, even a small increase in rates may drastically impact your budget.

On the heels of positive news from the U.S. Labor department, Reuters reported, “it is almost certain the Federal Reserve would raise interest rates in two weeks”.

Securing a mortgage now while rates are still low means you can get more house for your money.

Interest Rates

Some Highlights about Interest Rates:

  • Interest rates have come a long way in the last 30 years.
  • The interest rate you secure directly impacts your monthly payment and the amount of house that you can afford.
  • Experts predict that rates will increase by 3/4 a percent over the next 12 months.
  • Secure a low rate now to get the most house for your money.

Are you considering real estate in Naples, FL?  Let me help you start down the path of owning your own piece of paradise.

View Single Family Homes for Sale in Naples, Florida:

About Matt Klinowski ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

Naples Golf GuyMatt Klinowski has lived in Naples for more than 15 years.  He is an expert on the local real estate market and specializes in real estate within golf communities.  Matt enjoys the laid back lifestyle in Naples with his wife (More about Matt…).
Contact Matt: or 239-370-0892