Golf Tip – Spot Putting

September 11, 2015 Posted by Matt

puttingTry spot putting.  In bowling, bowlers have spots along the alley just a few feet from where they will start their ball rolling.  In golf, you can use the same type of spots for putting.  Get behind your ball and determine the line that you need to make your putt.  Find an old ball mark, a discolored piece of grass, or any type spot that is along your line.  This is the spot at which you should aim your ball.  Determine your distance and then aim at your spot, and you have done everything you can to make the putt.


Golf Tip – Uphill Pitch Shot

September 10, 2015 Posted by Matt

uphill pitch shotPlay the uphill pitch shot by matching the stroke to the slope.  Play the ball in the middle of your stance.  Set your shoulders and hips so that they tilt at the same amount as the slope that you are hitting from.  Hold this position throughout the shot so you do not dip or stand up.  Use a square stance and swing the club back low to the ground, and then sweep the ball off the grass at the angle of the slope up the hill.  Do not slam the club into the hill or try to take a divot.  The ball will fly higher than normal, so take a less-lofted club than you would normally use.

Ball Against the Rough

September 9, 2015 Posted by Matt

Ball Against the RoughA ball against the rough can be tricky.  If your ball rolls across the fairway and stops against the collar of rough so that half of the ball is on the fairway and the other half is in the rough, you need to be careful.  When you strike the ball, the tendency will be for the toe of your club to snag in the rough and turn open.  This will cause the ball to fly to the right.  Rather than using an iron, try using a hybrid and choke down on the handle to set the distance.  The hybrid head should be strong enough to slide through the deeper grass and keep the club head square to your line.  Grip the club firmly in your hands and make an aggressive pass at the ball.

Golf is like Taxes

September 8, 2015 Posted by Matt

golf humor

Golf is like taxes.  You drive hard to make the green, then end up in the hole.

Speaking of taxes, one of the reasons I live and sell property in Naples FL is because the state does not have an income tax and property taxes are very low. Property taxes are only just over 1% in Collier County.

Are you considering buying a home in Naples FL?  Or perhaps Bonita Springs?  Let me be your guide.  Contact Matt Klinowski for more information 239-370-0892.

Golf Tip – Belly Wedge

September 7, 2015 Posted by Matt

belly wedgeLearn to play a belly wedge.  A great time to play a belly wedge is when your ball lies up against the collar of the rough near the green.  With this shot, you will use your sand wedge and line it up so your point of contact will be the middle, or belly, of the ball.  Make a stroke that misses the grass and strikes the ball as if you were putting.  The ball will roll nicely and you will not get caught up in the grass behind the ball.  Try practicing the belly shot with the ball on the green and develop a stroke that strikes the ball in the middle.  Then, place some balls against the collar and practice from there.

Lost Golf Balls

September 6, 2015 Posted by Matt

Lost golf Balls

How many lost golf balls did you have?  Why is par so easy to make at the 19th hole? Kinda happens automatically huh?…

Need to Hit a Long Drive?

September 5, 2015 Posted by Matt

long driveIf you come to a hole where there is plenty of fairway and you need to hit a long drive, make a few adjustments.  First, move your back foot back a few inches to widen your stance and tee the ball up high.  Make a long and wide backswing and then come into the ball as if you were throwing an uppercut punch.  Feel as if you are coming in shallow and then have the club head just rise up and smack the ball.  The ball will fly high and long.  Avoid this swing on narrow holes, as distance is your objective here and not pinpoint accuracy.  Practice this swing on occasion to be able to bring it out when you need it.

Practice Green

September 4, 2015 Posted by Matt

practiceA great way to sharpen your putting skills and simulate on-course conditions is to play nine-hole matches on the practice green against a friend.  Place a small wager or a beverage on the results and play nine holes, putting to holes of different distances and breaks.  Go through your routine and line up each putt.  Putt all balls out with no “gimmies” to sharpen your short putt skills.  After practicing in this manner, you will get a better sense of putting under pressure and how to focus on the green and ultimately shoot lower scores.

Are you ball bound?

September 3, 2015 Posted by Matt

ball boundAre you so focused on the ball while your getting ready to put that the tension of being ball bound paralyzes you?  If you tend to stare at the ball when putting and tension builds, try this little trick.  Instead of looking at the ball, look at the spot just one inch in front of your ball on your intended line.  Keep your eyes focused on the spot and stroke the ball so you watch the ball roll over your spot and then your putter chasing it.  This will not only break the tension of being ball-bound, but it helps you start the ball on the correct line every time.  Many top players use this method as their everyday routine.

Golf Tip – Backswing

September 2, 2015 Posted by Matt

backswingShould you lift your left heel on the backswing?  There is often debate as to whether the left heel should be lifted in the backswing, and there are good arguments on both sides.  Jack Nicklaus lifted his heel, while Tiger Woods keeps it in place at the top of this swing.  Lifting your heel will give you power from a longer arc in your swing, while keeping the heel on the ground lets you go wider and create more coil in your shoulders.  You may try both to see what works for you.  You might ask your pro to advise you if you are thinking of making a change on way or the other.