Golf Tip – Under Pressure

December 19, 2015 Posted by Matt

naples golf guyWhy do you miss shots under pressure?  If you are playing in a tournament or an important match, you will feel nervous, which is a normal response.  When we become nervous, the big muscles of our body do not move well, and we tend to sue our hands and arms to power the ball.  This is a recipe for disaster.  When you are under pressure, concentrate on making a full turn back and through when you swing.  Make a practice swing that emphasizes a good shoulder turn, and then replicate it when you hit your shot.  Be aware of how your body may shut down when you are under pressure and nervous, and make sure that you commit to the shot.

Golf Tip – Chipping from the Rough

Chipping from the Rough

chipping from the roughChipping from the rough can be tricky.  If you use the proper technique you will hit better shots and improve your game.  Set up with most of your weight on your left side and leave it there for the stroke.  Play the ball just back of the middle of your stance.  Make a short backswing.  When you come through the ball you should lead with the back of your left hand (if you are a lefty, you will be leading with the back of your right hand).  At impact, your left wrist should feel flat.  Unlike a full golf swing, your right hand will never pass your left.  Hold your finish so the clubface is pointing directly at your target.  Practice this technique to improve your chipping from the rough.

About Naples Golf Guy

Naples Golf GuyThe above information about chipping from the rough was provided by Naples Golf Guy, Matt Klinowski PA, an expert in Southwest Florida real estate.  When you are ready to buy or sell a single family home or condo in Naples, Bonita Springs or Estero, contact me. With almost 20 years of experience, I can help provide the market information and insights into individual communities to help you find the perfect home.  Most importantly, I will handle all the negotiations to make your real estate transaction as smooth as possible.

Contact Matt:

or at 239-370-0892

December 18, 2015 Posted by Matt

Golf Tip – Choose Your Club Carefully

December 16, 2015 Posted by Matt

choose your club carefullyOn par three holes, choose your club carefully.  Many players simply look at the distance from the tee to the green when selecting their club for a shot.  However, there are several other factors you need to consider when selecting which club to hit.  Look for elevation.  Are you hitting uphill?  Any uphill green will require more distance which means you need to take more club.  Are you hitting a downhill shot? If so, you will need less club than what you would normally hit from that distance.

You also need to check which direction the wind is coming from.  If you are hitting into the wind you will need to take a longer club.  If the wind is behind you, you’ll need a shorter club.

Finally, look at the green and assess any trouble areas.  Is there water? What about bunkers?  If there are trouble areas right in front of the green take a little extra club.  You’d rather go past the pin and have a longer putt then end up short in a hazard or a bunker.  If the trouble is in the back of the green, take a little less club.  You’d rather be on the front of the green than over and in trouble.

If you consider all the factors above and choose your club carefully on par three holes, you will improve your scores.

Golf Tip – Tee it Up

December 15, 2015 Posted by Matt

Tee it Up

Tee it up while learning.  When you are making a swing change or putting into practice something that your pro has taught you in a lesson, always tee the ball up.  Even if you are hitting a pitching wedge or nine iron, tee the ball up in practice to make it easier to concentrate on the change that you are making.  You will be able to make better contact, so you can focus on your new move or posture without worrying about striking the ball well.  Make learning as easy as possible by using training aids and anything that helps you hit the ball better in practice.  You will make progress faster using this way of practicing.

Golf Tip – Good Golf Swing

December 14, 2015 Posted by Matt

good golf swingA good golf swing will feel as if you are hinging your wrists up 90 degrees once you finish your takeaway.  To get this feeling in practice, take your left pinky finger off of the grip as you hit some shots with your pitching wedge.  This will free your left hand to make the hinge motion that is important for getting the club in the correct position at the top of the swing.  Hit several balls this way until you can feel a good hinge in your wrist, then return your pinky to the grip and keep the feeling.  With enough practice and instruction you will be able to develop a good golf swing.


Golf Tip – Landing Zones

December 12, 2015 Posted by Matt

landing zonesDon’t be fooled by tricky landing zones.  Many times, golf course architects will tempt you to hit a long drive to a landing zone that looks perfect for your approach shot.  Be careful to look at the landing zone for trouble.  There may be bunkers, water, heavy rough, or severe slopes near the target.  Many par five tee shot landing zones will punish you if you miss slightly.  A better way to play this hole is to use a fairway wood or hybrid to land short of the trouble area, and then hit a longer club toward the green.  You will most likely make a better score time after time by not taking the bait to hit a long, straight drive.

Golf Tip – Putt One-Handed

December 11, 2015 Posted by Matt

Putt one-handedOne way to improve your putting is to putt one-handed during practice.  On the putting green, begin your practice by hitting five putts with your right hand only and five putts with your left hand only.  You will develop a feel for controlling the putter with a smooth motion, since it will be difficult to become quick and jerky using one hand.  When you place both hands on the grip as you normally do, your hands will feel as if they are melded together and work as one unit.  This drill is often used by many PGA and LPGA touring professionals.  Always putt one-handed to begin your practice and it is a great way to improve your putting during the round.

Golf Tip – Bump it from the Collar

December 9, 2015 Posted by Matt

Collar of the greenIf your ball comes to rest against the collar of the green between the rough and the fringe of the green, do not reach for your putter.  A putter will get caught up in the rough and the ball will just dribble a few feet.  A better way to play this shot is to use one of your hybrid clubs and make a short chipping motion to bump the ball onto the fringe and get it rolling to the hole.  The hybrid club will glide through the grass behind the ball and not get stuck.  Practice this shot before you try it on the course.  It is a great shot to have in your bag.


Practice makes perfect, so now that you have a shot to practice the next step is to find a golf club with great practice facilities.  If you are considering purchasing a home in Naples or Bonita Springs and you are interested in a golf community, let me be your guide.

About Matt Klinowski …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

Naples Golf GuyMatt Klinowski has lived in Naples for more than 15 years.  He is an expert on the local real estate market and specializes in real estate within golf communities.  Matt enjoys the laid back lifestyle in Naples with his wife (More about Matt…).
Contact Matt: or 239-370-0892

Golf Tip – Putt out of a Bunker

December 8, 2015 Posted by Matt

putt out of a bunkerIf the conditions are in your favor, you may be able to putt out of a bunker.  If there is no lip on the bunker and the sand meets the grass on a level plane, then a putt would travel nicely.  If there is a lip on the bunker do not attempt the shot.

The lie needs to be decent (not buried).  Make sure the sand is firm or wet.  Do not putt the ball if the sand is soft or fluffy, as it will not roll through this type of texture.

Address the ball as you normally would with a putter on the green.  Your weight should be centered over both feet and with your regular putting grip.  Play the ball back in your stance, which will help prevent you from touching the sand through impact.  Unlike a typical bunker shot, the key is to catch all ball and no sand.  Think about striking the upper half of the golf ball with the putterface.

The ball might pop up slightly when it hits the grass which will slow down the ball a bit.  Since you’ll also be striking the putt slightly off-center, don’t be afraid to hit this shot harder than normal.

With a little practice, you will find that this shot is easier to hit and you’ll be more accurate than hitting a full sandwedge.

Be forewarned, if you try this shot without a good lie, firm sand and no lip on the bunker, be ready to hit a second shot from the spot because it’s going to take you two shots to hit it out!

Golf Tip – Putting Drills

December 7, 2015 Posted by Matt

Looking for some good putting drills? Try this one before your round.  Go to the practice putting green to learn the speed of the greens that you will be playing.  Rather than just hitting balls toward different holes, try this drill to get a great feel for distance for the day.  Find a flat area of the green and space out tees in a straight line at five-foot intervals all the way to twenty-five feet.  Beginning from three feet away, stroke your putt so that it finishes as close as possible to the first tee.  Remove the ball, then putt to the six-foot tee.  Complete this drill until you can hit your distances close to all the tees.  This will help you to gain a great feel for your putts on the course.

putting drills
