Golf Tip – Downwind Shots

March 13, 2016 Posted by Matt

downwind shotsBe careful on downwind shots to a green.  On your approach shot, if you have a strong wind behind you take an extra second or two to think about your distance.  The wind will help propel your ball further.  However, the spin will be reduced as well.  Use a shorter club, and look for a spot to land your ball.  If the turf is firm, you may want to land the ball short of the green and bounce it on toward the hole.  It is also a good idea to flight your ball down, so that it does not get way up into the air and carry over the green.

Golf Tip – Drop Zone

March 8, 2016 Posted by Matt

drop zoneDo you need to use a drop zone on a golf course if it exists?  No you do not.  Often times, golf courses with water hazards will mark off an area where you can drop your ball with a one stroke penalty.  Just because the drop zone exists doesn’t mean you have to use it.  If the zone gives you a poor angle to your target or is filled with divots, you may choose to proceed with other drop options under the Rules.  Check to see if it is a red stake or yellow steak and decide which relief option will work best.

Golf Tip – Better Wedge Shots

March 2, 2016 Posted by Matt

Better Wedge ShotsIf you want better wedge shots, shorten up your backswing.  If you take a long backswing on your wedge shot, you will probably decelerate your swing as you come into impact.  The deceleration will cause you to hit the ball poorly.  The result will probably be the shot will come up well short or miss your target badly.  Swing back so that your hands are just above your waist and the club is hinged up.  Make a good turn with your hips and shoulders, and accelerate into the ball.  You will discover that your distance will be good, and your accuracy will improve greatly.  Try this technique and you will hit better wedge shots.


Golf Tip – Need More Distance?

February 24, 2016 Posted by Matt

need more distanceDo you need more distance off the tee?  To gain more distance with your driver you only need to make a few tweaks to your stance and grip.  First, widen your stance a couple of inches to create a wider and longer arc in your swing.  Next, if you are right handed, turn your left hand slightly more to the left on your grip so that you see two or three knuckles of your hand.  This is referred to as “strengthening your grip”.  It does not mean hang onto the club tighter.  The slight change in grip will promote a draw that will hit and roll farther than a straight grip or one that slices.  Try making these two little changes if you need more distance off the tee.

Don’t take my word for it.  Check out what Johnny Miller has to say about the golf grip and its evolution over time.

Stop Three Putting

February 22, 2016 Posted by Matt

three puttingHow do you stop three putting greens?  Most three putts are caused by the first putt coming up too short or going well past the hole.  Often times, you will have the ball traveling along the right line and it just stops short of the hole or you hit it through the break.  Next thing you know you have a difficult second putt.  Your goal on your first putt should be hitting the ball the right distance.  Identify the correct line, then strive to hit your putt so it’s near the hole.  If your line is a little off that’s okay.  If you hit the ball the right distance then you’ll just have a nice little tap in.  Focus on distance first, then your line and you should stop three putting which means you’ll post lower scores!

Golf Tip – Green Speed

February 18, 2016 Posted by Matt

Green speedYou need to determine the green speed before you head out to the course.  To do so, place some balls in the middle of the putting green and putt toward a spot on the edge of the green and fringe.  Your goal is to have the ball stop as close to the edge without going up on the fringe.  This type of practice is a great way to develop your feel for the speed of the greens and help you gauge distance better.  If you are able to better judge the green speed before you go on the course, you will be hitting your first putts much closer to the hole and avoid three putting greens.

Golf Tip – Swing Harder

February 13, 2016 Posted by Matt

swing harderYou do not need to swing harder on long shots than you do on short shots.  A common mistake that many amateur golfers make is to think that they must swing harder when they have a longer shot.  You should use the same tempo and rhythm on all of your shots.  On longer shots, the longer shaft of the club will create a wider arc which will automatically increase your swing speed.  Use a light  grip and swing the club naturally, and you will get all the distance you need without trying to muscle the ball.

Golf Tip – Putting Pressure

February 11, 2016 Posted by Matt

putting under pressurePutting under pressure can be stressful.  There is a reason they say “drive for show or putt for dough”!  When you are playing in a tournament or important match, it is normal to feel anxiety.  The downside is anxiety may cause you to hit your putts to the right.  When you are nervous, your muscles tense, and you tend to not release the putter during the stroke.  The blade of the putter comes into the ball wide open and you push the ball to the right of the hole.  You may have a tendency to grip the putter too tight when you are putting under pressure.  Concentrate on holding the putter with a light grip.  Make a few practice strokes to feel the toe of the putter open then close.  Breathe, relax your muscles, and trust your stroke.

Golf Tip – Chip Like you Putt

February 5, 2016 Posted by Matt

chip like you puttIf you are inconsistent with your chip shots, change your technique and chip like you putt.  Use an eight iron and grip the club like you would your putter.  Stand closer to the ball so  you are more upright in your stance.  This will allow the club to move straight back and forward through the swing.  Stroke the ball as you would a putt.  The heel of the club will be slightly off the ground.  With a light grip, smoothly take the club back and through the swing and allow the loft of the club get the ball into the air.  You should vary the club you are using based on the distance between you and the pin.  If there is more green to work with, use a longer club such as a seven or six iron.  If you chip like you putt you will become more consistent in your short game and know strokes off your score.

Golf Tip – Great Bunker Shots

February 3, 2016 Posted by Matt

Great bunker shotsTry these two little tips to hit great bunker shots.  When you have a shot from the bunker, you want to get the ball up and out of the sand and have it float toward the hole.  One small adjustment that will help you hit your sand shots like the pros is to dig your front toe into the sand deeper than your back foot.  Also, lower your hands at address.  This will allow you to come into the ball on a shallow angle and slice through the sand under the ball.  Be sure that you accelerate and fire the club head through the sand under the ball.  Try these tips in practice and you sill start to hit great bunker shots.